- C data types are defined as the data storage format that a variable can store a data to perform a specific operation.
- Data types are used to define a variable before to use in a program.
- Size of variable, constant and array are determined by data types.
C – data types:
There are four data types in C language. They are,
Data Types
Basic data types | int, char, float, double |
Enumeration data type | enum |
Derived data type | pointer, array, structure, union |
Void data type | void |
1. Basic data types in C language:
1.1. Integer data type:
- Integer data type allows a variable to store numeric values.
- “int” keyword is used to refer integer data type.
- The storage size of int data type is 2 or 4 or 8 byte.
- It varies depend upon the processor in the CPU that we use. If we are using 16 bit processor, 2 byte (16 bit) of memory will be allocated for int data type.
- Like wise, 4 byte (32 bit) of memory for 32 bit processor and 8 byte (64 bit) of memory for 64 bit processor is allocated for int datatype.
- int (2 byte) can store values from -32,768 to +32,767
- int (4 byte) can store values from -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647.
- If you want to use the integer value that crosses the above limit, you can go for “long int” and “long long int” for which the limits are very high.
- We can’t store decimal values using int data type.
- If we use int data type to store decimal values, decimal values will be truncated and we will get only whole number.
- In this case, float data type can be used to store decimal values in a variable.
1.2. Character data type:
- Character data type allows a variable to store only one character.
- Storage size of character data type is 1. We can store only one character using character data type.
- “char” keyword is used to refer character data type.
- For example, ‘A’ can be stored using char datatype. You can’t store more than one character using char data type.
- Please refer C – Strings topic to know how to store more than one characters in a variable.
1.3. Floating point data type:
Floating point data type consists of 2 types. They are,
- float
- double
1. float:
- Float data type allows a variable to store decimal values.
- Storage size of float data type is 4. This also varies depend upon the processor in the CPU as “int” data type.
- We can use up-to 6 digits after decimal using float data type.
- For example, 10.456789 can be stored in a variable using float data type.
2. double:
- Double data type is also same as float data type which allows up-to 10 digits after decimal.
- The range for double datatype is from 1E–37 to 1E+37.
1.3.1. sizeof() function in C language:
sizeof() function is used to find the memory space allocated for each C data types.
Storage size for int data type:4
Storage size for char data type:1 Storage size for float data type:4 Storage size for double data type:8 |
1.3.2. Modifiers in C language:
- The amount of memory space to be allocated for a variable is derived by modifiers.
- Modifiers are prefixed with basic data types to modify (either increase or decrease) the amount of storage space allocated to a variable.
- For example, storage space for int data type is 4 byte for 32 bit processor. We can increase the range by using long int which is 8 byte. We can decrease the range by using short int which is 2 byte.
- There are 5 modifiers available in C language. They are,
- short
- long
- signed
- unsigned
- long long
C Data types / storage Size | Range |
char / 1 | –127 to 127 |
int / 2 | –32,767 to 32,767 |
float / 4 | 1E–37 to 1E+37 with six digits of precision |
double / 8 | 1E–37 to 1E+37 with ten digits of precision |
long double / 10 | 1E–37 to 1E+37 with ten digits of precision |
long int / 4 | –2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647 |
short int / 2 | –32,767 to 32,767 |
unsigned short int / 2 | 0 to 65,535 |
signed short int / 2 | –32,767 to 32,767 |
long long int / 8 | –(2power(63) –1) to 2(power)63 –1 |
signed long int / 4 | –2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647 |
unsigned long int / 4 | 0 to 4,294,967,295 |
unsigned long long int / 8 | 2(power)64 –1 |
2. Enumeration data type in C language:
- Enumeration data type consists of named integer constants as a list.
- It start with 0 (zero) by default and value is incremented by 1 for the sequential identifiers in the list.
- Enum syntax in C:
enum identifier [optional{ enumerator-list }];
- Enum example in C:
enum month { Jan, Feb, Mar }; or
/* Jan, Feb and Mar variables will be assigned to 0, 1 and 2 respectively by default */
enum month { Jan = 1, Feb, Mar };
/* Feb and Mar variables will be assigned to 2 and 3 respectively by default */
enum month { Jan = 20, Feb, Mar };
/* Jan is assigned to 20. Feb and Mar variables will be assigned to 21 and 22 respectively by default */
/* Jan, Feb and Mar variables will be assigned to 0, 1 and 2 respectively by default */
enum month { Jan = 1, Feb, Mar };
/* Feb and Mar variables will be assigned to 2 and 3 respectively by default */
enum month { Jan = 20, Feb, Mar };
/* Jan is assigned to 20. Feb and Mar variables will be assigned to 21 and 22 respectively by default */
- The above enum functionality can also be implemented by “#define” preprocessor directive as given below. Above enum example is same as given below.
#define Jan 20;
#define Feb 21;
#define Mar 22;
#define Feb 21;
#define Mar 22;
C – enum example program:
Month is March
3. Derived data type in C language:
- Array, pointer, structure and union are called derived data type in C language.
- To know more about derived data types, please visit “C – Array” , “C – Pointer” , “C – Structure” and “C – Union” topics in this tutorial.
4. Void data type in C language:
- Void is an empty data type that has no value.
- This can be used in functions and pointers.
- Please visit “C – Function” topic to know how to use void data type in function with simple call by value and call by reference example programs.
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